Posts tagged maine
maine or bust | image via: bekuh b.

In just a few short weeks we'll be hitting the road, bound for Maine! I'm so excited to escape from the heat of the city for awhile and spend some much needed time relaxing and enjoy the last dog days of summer. Our first stop will be Mt. Washington, New Hampshire before heading to the furthest reaches of Acadia National Park. A whole week of camping, hiking, swimming and lobster rolls await us.

Ryan and I made the decision a few years back to alternate our trips abroad with trips at home- There's just so much to see right here in America! After a lot of discussion we both decided a trip through New England sounded too good to resist- in high school I dreamt of becoming an art teacher and living in a hamlet along the coast.

This season has taken its toll on our nerves and stress levels so we're doing everything we can to maximize relaxation and minimize productivity during the trip; setting some pretty strict guidelines for ourselves:

  • No cellphones out on the campsite
  • We're using an actual map (!) to navigate our way north
  • No iPhone pictures or digital photography- all film all day
  • No blogs, just books

It may sound a little loco in today's digital age but we want to be 100% present with each other (and Nellie) for the entire trip. I'm hopeful it will renew our spirits and help reconnect us to nature. Vacation unplugged- sounds like a reality tv show on Discovery or something. - b.