Posts tagged marriage
"young lovers seek perfection. old lovers learn the art of sewing shreds together and seeing beauty in a multiplicity of patches." - how to make an american quilt | image via: bekuh b.

When the evening hours close-in, I find my mind wanders towards lonely thoughts of missing Ryan. His new position leaves us with little time together, but has definitely deepened my love and appreciation of the man he is and all he does for me. A favorite quote, from a favorite movie, reminds me that our life together is just beginning and it's the imperfections that bind us ever closer. I am a very lucky woman, today (Valentine's Day) and everyday I am with him. - b.

chatham st. house | via: bekuh b.

After years of dreaming and counting pennies, we've bought our very first house! It's a modest little row home in the up-and-coming neighborhood of Port Richmond and I can't wait to get to know our neighbors. It's our little fixer-upper with tons of original character and loads to check off the to-do list. I'm getting giddy all over again just typing this out!

I'm not the least bit afraid of the work that lays ahead and my new motto is

"Do a little everyday and we'll eventually get there." 

We're taking it slow, because we want everything to be done right. My evenings are spent watching Youtube videos on renovation projects and scouring Craigslist for deals. This Old House and I are becoming quick friends. It's a very exciting time in our lives and I want remember every second of it.

"here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart…

He can still surprise me. After almost 5 years of marriage my sweet husband has developed a knack of sweeping me off my feet when I least expect it. It's not always the extravagant (like a love note) it's more often than not the mundane- doing the dishes after I've had a long day, waking up early to take the dog out, making the 2nd pot of coffee before I even notice we're out. He gets me. 

I wake up every day grateful for his love and fall asleep confident he'll be there beside me through it all. With this note he wrote a little bit more of our love story and we have a lifetime to finish it. - b.