chatham st. house foyer

Holding true to my motto to do a little bit everyday, I thought I'd share a few of the projects I have going on right now. There seems to be a never ending supply of them, so I've already taken the liberty of calling this Part One as I anticipate many more of these posts. I'm doing everything from hanging artwork, to caulking windowsills, to scraping film off our front window.

Here are a couple of DIY renovation tips I've picked up along the way... 

weekend projects: caulking tips | via:  chatham st. house

When caulking (anything), make sure you have a wet cloth and a plate or board to lay the gun down on. Some caulking tubes like to ignore your every desire to control their release and you'll having oozing caulk on every surface if you aren't careful. The wet cloth is to clean up messes that will occur, and the board or plate will catch any excess when you need to lay the gun down.

weekend projects: spackling tips | via:  chatham st. house
weekend projects: spackling tips | via:  chatham st. house

Spackling is not a fine art and I am confident anyone can do it. One thing I've discovered is that you cannot rush this process. Apply thin coats and let them dry completely before adding the next. This thin application will ensure a smooth finish. Also, always sand and prime them before you paint.

weekend projects: removing window film | via: chatham st. house
weekend projects: removing window film | via: chatham st. house

Removing window film or a stubborn sticker is about to get a whole lot easier. Simply spray a mix of soapy water on the surface, and cover with a sheet of plastic (I've been using bubble wrap due to an abundance from moving). Let this sit for 1-2 hours and carefully scrap or peel away. I used a scraper tool. You'll be amazed at how much easier it comes off and you'll have a squeaky clean finish.

Next on my list? More caulking. There a small cracks in all our baseboards and crown moulding that need attending to. Follow me on Instagram for behind-the-scenes peeks at these projects on Instagram Stories. - b.